Saturday, December 20, 2008

7 weird things about me.

Ok, Janna, you are strange... but I bet I can top you and I'll bet you know every single one of these too...

7. I really hate when anyone touches me when I'm sleeping. No feet, no breath, and really hate "sleep jumpers" those people that jump just as they are falling asleep. I also hate mouth breathers.... really really dislike it.

6. I'm EXTREMELY sensitive to smells.. good and bad. I could describe in words to you how each one of my family members and some friends of mine smell. I think it makes me a little canine-like.... but be that as it may, it's true.

5. I exaggerate, now this isn't weird I realize... a lot of people do. But, there is a scientific method to my exaggerations... I always add on 1 hour to any time detail I tell you. I subtract 10 dollars from any sale item I got (mostly for my husband's sake) and I always subtract 5 pounds when I tell you my weight... which, why are you asking anyway?

4. I don't/can't watch the news. Now I was never an avid CNN follower before, but now that I have children... no WAY. I can't stand to think about how horrible it is out there for them. I love to live in my bubble of family and not be sad. I get very depressed if I read too much, and so... I don't. I will read the cover page of my AOL when I open it (it has current events... ok and entertainment news).

3. I'm a ridiculous over-committer. Or as I've told others, a yes-person. Budget time at work is the worst for me, because I spend the whole time saying... YEAH, we can do it... sure no problem. And then WHOOPS! we didn't... no bonus for me. ugh. it's terrible. I've been really bad at this FOREVER, just as my friend Mindy, she would totally agree. Now I'm thinking about a second job, not because we need the money (although it couldn't hurt) but because I want to do it. What is wrong with me, seriously? I don't even see my friends!

2. I hate long toenails. Ugh just the thought makes me cringe. And both my kids won't let me trim them. AHHHH, drives me crazy, it's so disgusting!

1. Ok last one, I can't watch any show that is some sort of investigation, science show, or the least little bit scary before bed. Even dramas will keep me from sleeping. As a result (and because the only time all day I watch TV is between 9:30 and 10:30), I watch really really bad TV. Anything that will make me laugh, not think, and relax.

I also quote really really bad TV, which is a terrible habit, and so bad it almost deserves it's own number. Old Friends Episodes, Seinfeld, Tommy Boy, Back to the Future, my new favorite... How I met your mother, oh it's a really bad trait. My favorite lines... Friends... MMMM Noodle Soup. The scene from Tommy Boy where Chris Farley is explaining to David Spade in the restaurant why he can never make a sale.


  1. Yeah, I knew all these before. Number seven and number 2... I heard about these A LOT growing up!

    Also, stop reading AOL news! You are better off not reading anything at all! Didn't you read my blog about this?

    I love "mmm... noodle soup."

  2. Yup. Over-committer all the way. And yet, I enable you because that letter you asked for should (key word being *SHOULD*) be in the mail this week!
