Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What we will do to get a few more minutes sleep...

It's pretty pathetic what parents will do to just steal 1 even 2 precious minutes of slumber... here are some of my favorites.

Nate comes in the bedroom and because it's dark outside in the morning, we tell him it's still nighttime and to go back to sleep.

We haven't had a monitor on for Marisa since she was 7 or 8 months. She just has to get up with the rest of the family. If she happens to wake up before anyone else, she will play in her crib until someone comes to get her. The other day I caught her peeling the flower stickers off her wall....hmmm wonder how long she was awake. She gets so excited when anyone walks in. She screeches and jumps up and down, like she's been awake for hours.

The classic, "I can see the bathroom light is on, but I'll lay here and pretend to be asleep so that Chris gets up"

When Daddy gets up and turns on a show for Nate and comes back to bed. Even better, when he turns on a movie!

Hide and seek... hiding in my bed, anyone's bed or under a big blanket on the floor.

But even with the best of intentions, one of us is always up by 6:45, and the other inevitably at 7:15 - and that person gets the added bonus of being woken up by a naked baby, because Marisa likes to run around naked when you take her diaper off in the morning.

Even worse is how we are woken up. Nate likes to poke his target in the middle of the back, saying "I'm awake!"

The other day I woke up to... "Momma, I have poop in my butt" - Not what you want to hear first thing in the morning.

Sometimes he just stares at me from 2 inches away, and I wake up to two eyes staring at mine at "smell your breath" closeness.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious. You know, I wrote about the hide and seek on my blog today.

    I'm sorry about your phone, I forgot to say that on my last comment.
