Saturday, January 10, 2009

The huh.. whatdidyousay... and ehhh?

Ok I've decided I definitely live in the house of the deaf. It's so ridiculous, since Chris got a cold, his ears have been so plugged. Not that it wasn't bad before, it's terrible now. Half the time I know he didn't hear me, so he just half smiles when I talk. Other times it's like this conversation like we are 90 and trying to communicate through our hearing aids. Like take today for example. A simple, should I answer this call coming through caller ID took on a totally different tone. As I'm on the phone with my sister a call came through....

Me: Hey do you know Sue Fleuren (I pronounced it Flure-en)
Husband: What? (my absolute favorite of the I-can't-hear-yous)
Me: Do you know a Sue Fleuren. She's calling right now?
Husband: Who's calling who?
Me: Caller Id is going off and it SAYS Sue Flueren.
Husband: I don't know a Sue Flueren (by now the beeping has stopped)
Me: Well it's too late anyway.
Husband: It's not too late, you could look at the phone to figure out who it is.
Me: No, it's too late to answer it, they hung up
Husband: Who hung up? Your sister?
Me: No Sue Fleuren.
Husband: I don't know a Sue Fleuren, I know a Joe Fleuren (he pronounced it Flu-ren).
Me: Well I think he was trying to call you.
Husband: He must have been trying to call me at home.

By this time my sister is yelling in the background....
So freaking annoying. Now Marisa has started to say it as a way to answer a question....
Marisa do you want more ketchup? Huh? -She answers.

Ugh, no wonder I like going to work, people listen to me there.

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